Fishsim 2 creators documentation
J.C.Spooner 2002

Updated to include 2.08 features.

Creating addon's for Fishing Simulator 2 is becoming a bit of a trend due to the openess of the program. This documentation here is provided free of charge, and is in no way linked to any purchase agreement made with Fishing Simulator 2. Fishing Simulator 2, is sold soley for the purpose of using it as a fishing simulator / game, not for creating addons, so no warranties or guarantees are provided with this part. You should also understand, that if you are prepared to make changes or file additions to fishing simulator, or distribute them changes or additions on to another persons computer, the responsibility lies with you to correct them if things go wrong.

Contents ( in no order )

Numbers in brackets show which pages were distributed with which manual addon.

(1) Creating venues
(1) Creating sea venues
(1) Creating weather definition files
(1) Creating FSB help files
(1) Creating fish species and stocks
(1) Creating transparent PCX image files
(1) Setting up fish stocks and behaviour
(1) Understanding F11
(1) Venue creation walk-through
(2) Creating ledger bite detectors
(2) Creating floats
(2) Creating JR2's with the FS Utils
(2) What are checksums and validation codes
(2) Using Mergestk.exe
(3) Creating baits for FS2

(c) J.C.Spooner 2002