Allrecs Ver 4.0 40 Kb

This is a small program for creating a html web page with details on every single venue record caught on your PC.

Version 2.0 changes

- Faster production of result file

- Includes pro record option.

Version 3.0 changes

- Includes records for the new version of Fishsim 2.

Version 4.0 changes

- Includes the ability to save, load and merge all venue records.


Downloading and importing add-on's from the Internet

To download and import addons from the Internet normally requires that you have a program to "unzip" files. Files available for download on the Internet are commonly "zipped", in English, this means they are "squashed" to make them as small as possible, to reduce download times. You will need a program to unzip these files on your computer after you have downloaded them, Winzip is a good choice here and available for everyone to use.

After downloading an addon you must extract the files to the fishing simulator 2 folder on your computer. This is the place you installed the game to ( probably c:\program files\fishsim2 ), after doing that, when you run fishing simulator, press the Options button on the main menu, then click the Advanced tab, then click the Import addon button. You will then see a list of addons available to import in JR2 files, click on the addon you want to import, then confirm you want to do it, and that's it.

This is a very brief description of downloading and importing addons, however, Derek Shaw has written a more detailed page on the process. Click here to view it

Instructions on using allrecs

After importing this addon, a file called allrecs.exe will be placed into your fishing simulator 2 folder. Note : After importing the addon, this file should be virus checked before running it. The files hosted on are always checked for viruses using two different checkers, but executable files should always be checked after downloading them.

To run the program simply double click on the allrecs icon in the fishing simulator 2 folder and choose default or pro, then choose new or old records, this will then scan every single venue installed for record catches and generate a file in the HTML folder of fishing simulator 2 called allrecs.htm.

New for version 4.0

Version 4.0 of allrecs makes re-installing or using Fishsim from multiple computers easier as it allows you to back up and restore the records from all installed venues. When allrecs starts you will be asked to choose either default (1) or pro version (2) records. You will then be asked whether you want to deal with old version (1) or new version (2) records. Old records are records from versions prior to version 2.13. Finally you will be asked whether you want to display (1), save (2), or load (3) the records. Choosing option (1) display will behave as the instructions above and generate an allrecs.htm file. Selecting option (2) save will make a backup of all your venue records in a file in your fishsim folder ( the name depends on the previous two options ) :

rec.bak : Latest version default records
rec_old.bak : Old version default records
rec_pro.bak : Latest version pro records
rec_old_pro.bak : old version pro records

These files can now be stored away or transferred to another computer where you have fishsim installed. They can then be used to restore the records at anytime by putting the corresponding file into the new fishsim folder and using the load (3) option above. This will then restore the venue records from the back up file. In cases where a record already exists for a species on a venue, the bigger fish will be applied, this makes it useful for merging records between two or more PC's.

There are some caveats with merging records between two PC's though. Fishsim keeps a track of the number of each species caught on each venue, these are NOT added together when records are merged, the number caught is taken directly from the biggest fish ( whether that be an existing record or one contained in the backup ).

License agreement and disclaimers

The programmer of this software, Jason Clive Spooner, reserves all rights to this program and the accompanying documentation. It is distributed free of charge. This program may be copied and distributed freely ONLY with the authors explicit permission..

This software product is complex by nature and takes full advantage of modern hardware and software, because of the wide variety of hardware available, the author cannot guarantee that the product will be compatible with every system. Every effort has been made to achieve this and an extensive test program has reported no hardware incompatibilities. As a result the author accepts no liability for any effects that may be caused as a result of running this software program. This applies to hardware, software, data files or personal health.

In the event of any incompatabilities, the author will make every reasonable (at his discretion) effort to resolve the matter.

Even though this program has been checked for viruses, you as a user of this program are responsible for checking it before using it, as some viruses can attach themselves through the distribution media.

This program is distributed freely and does not form any part of any Fishing Simulator purchase agreement.

By installing this software you are agreeing to the terms and conditions listed above. If you do not agree with any of the terms DO NOT INSTALL OR EXECUTE THIS PROGRAM.

Program executable files and documentation are Copyrighted - J.C.Spooner 2003

(c) J.C.Spooner 2003