Various additional sea fishing baits Ver 1.0 10 Kb Ver 1.0 8 Kb

These addons contain various new sea fishing baits developed over time. The list will grow on this page as new baits are created. Each link above will download the specified bait, a brief description of each is below :

  • Limpets
    Excellent sea bait on some venues for flatfish when ledgered and most other sea species. They can also be very effective in picking out the specimens.
  • Calamari squid
    A smelly, specialist bait in FS2 which should attract congers on most venues. Other species will also take small pieces of this bait as well, but it's primary purpose is for large pieces to be used to target congers.
Downloading and importing add-on's from the Internet

To download and import addons from the Internet normally requires that you have a program to "unzip" files. Files available for download on the Internet are commonly "zipped", in English, this means they are "squashed" to make them as small as possible, to reduce download times. You will need a program to unzip these files on your computer after you have downloaded them, Winzip is a good choice here and available for everyone to use.

After downloading an addon you must extract the files to the fishing simulator 2 folder on your computer. This is the place you installed the game to ( probably c:\program files\fishsim2 ), after doing that, when you run fishing simulator, press the Options button on the main menu, then click the Advanced tab, then click the Import addon button. You will then see a list of addons available to import in JR2 files, click on the addon you want to import, then confirm you want to do it, and that's it.

This is a very brief description of downloading and importing addons, however, Derek Shaw has written a more detailed page on the process. Click here to view it

(c) J.C.Spooner 2003