Offline match submission

Please fill in the details accurately below, you can find your two FS Club numbers on your Fishing Simulator club card, which can be accessed from the button on the members screen in Fishing Simulator 2. The match title can be anything you like, but your match code value must match the value you entered into FS Utils when you created your offline draw file.

Match Title

Your FS Club Number 1

Your FS Club Number 2

Your match code

Your Name

Two rods allowed ?

Float Ledger Lure Fly

Once you have submitted your match, your members will be able to use the submission page to submit there results. Also, after submitting your match, you will be given a link which can be used to check the results submitted. After your allocated match time is complete, please use the delete button above, by just entering the two FS Club numbers and the match code for the match to delete. Please ensure these are correct before deleting as all the files relating to your results will be lost on pressing the button.

(c) J.C.Spooner 2002